Faith & Organizations
Organizations I’m involved in, financially support, or just want to be a walking sandwich-board for. These groups made me who I am and have played an important part in my adult life.
Next time someone wants to sign you up for a race, say yes! Or at least tag along to your crazy friend’s ultra-marathons.
Salmon Burgers
Salmon is the best meat. Burgers are the best way to eat meat. This will work out nicely. Salmon is a perfect non-blank flavorful slate to try out your favorite burger seasonings on.
Instant Pot Ribs
This recipe secured me a career in marketing and construction technology.
Margarita Pie
The margarita pie is a Bon Appetit recipe that kicked off my love for cooking and set the stage for one of the most memorable trips of my marriage.
A handful of the dogs that mean the most to me and our family. Heidi, Pete, Huck, Sparky.
The People I Love
A quick breeze through of some of the friends and family members that mean the most to me.